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Expanded Role for McCormicks

Monday, Jul-22, 2024

phil-edmondsonExpanded Role for McCormicks

Harrogate-based McCormicks Solicitors has won an expanded role in its work for the Solicitors Indemnity Fund (SIF), the former mandatory professional indemnity insurer for all solicitors in England and Wales.

McCormicks acts for SIF on recovery cases involving solicitors’ negligence claims, both current and expected, and the firm’s role has been expanded with a formal appointment to work more closely alongside SIF’s in-house team dealing with early claim notifications and the investigation and vetting of those claims.

McCormicks has acted for SIF, formed in 1987, since 1991. SIF entered into run-off in 2000, following the Law Society’s decision to allow an open market choice for professional indemnity insurance. On-going claim and Panel management activities are expected to continue into the 2020s.

McCormicks Partner Philip Edmondson is the firm’s nominated SIF Partner. He said: “This extension to our role is a testament to our hard work, service levels and the relationship we have built with the in-house team at SIF, over 26 years.”

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